Friday, April 20, 2012

DON’T agree to a Short Sale or Loan Modification – the TRUTH will set you FREE!

Having been down that road myself, I know what I’m talking about. After years of anxious nail-biting and throwing thousands of dollar at the problem, I discovered the most amazing truth of all; the Emperor really doesn’t have any clothes! The entire current mortgage system is one giant House of Cards built on one fraud after another.

Fortunately for us the law is ultimately on our side, you just need to know where to look. Best of all, in most cases, a simple form letter will make it all go away leaving you FREE and CLEAR to own your own property with NO MORTGAGE to pay WHATSOEVER!

Can you even imagine never having to worry about a seemingly endless monthly payment or not having to live in fear of someone knocking on your door with an eviction notice? I can and have been doing so for some time now; trust me it can be done if you only know how.

As I said, the Truth will set you Free and I will gladly share with you how its done for a fraction of what I paid to find out what I did the hard way. I have no interest in getting rich; I’m working in a non-profit volunteer capacity and would like nothing better than to see this effort raise funds for some very deserving charitable enterprises.

Even most of those offering legitimate assistance these days will charge thousands to get you to where I am now and, in spite of Federal law, charge upfront for their services. One of those same, well hidden, laws that will ultimately work for you, DEMANDS that NO ONE assisting you charge ANYTHING until you have a satisfactory result; but I bet you’ve not heard that anywhere have you?

I’m retired after thirty-two years in the military and have no need to hustle anyone for my day to day expenses. My family and I are now living debt-free and expect to soon claim title to our property leaving it in our name free & clear. I am excited about the prospect of getting the word out to as many people as possible and share what many others have done to blow the whistle on the LARGEST CON in modern day history.

What you will soon discover makes Bernie Madoff’s sins look like child’s play in comparison. You will no doubt be astounded at the complexity of it all but the best part is the simplicity by which it can be unraveled in our favor.

At the heart of the current [mortgage] scam lies the biggest fraud of all, designed to shortchange cities and states across the country of billions in filing fees, the illegal entity referred to as MERS. In total violation of well-established law, the MERS corporation is an electronic clearinghouse designed by and for the banking industry to avoid filing mortgages at the local level/county courthouse as REQUIRED BY LAW.

This alone should have been enough to collapse the entire house of cards but ignorance on the part of courts, judges and prosecutors nationwide have perpetuated the myth of the scam’s legitimacy.

Once again, though, the wheels of justice have been rolling steadily, albeit slowly, in our favor and the word is getting out; legal channels at several levels are shining the light of truth where it belongs.

Chances are, the folks who are currently hounding you for payment are far removed from the ones who originally packaged your mortgage. A quick check of the records in your county courthouse will, in fact, probably show no record of assignment, as again required by law; a reassignment in the MERS system is ABSOLUTELY illegal!

Since they do not have an ORIGINAL promissory note which MUST stay with the mortgage throughout its existence, there no longer exists a legitimate claim to your property REGARDLESS of what ANY creditor or law enforcement official may claim to add pressure; you can bet that they almost certainly have fraudulently prepared any documents to the contrary since the originals were long ago destroyed upon entry into MERS.

This brings us to the next gem in our arsenal with regards to those claiming to represent banks, “investors”, or servicing agents (but are admittedly just debt collectors) who are trying to get you to authenticate a bogus claim.

Mortgages carry insurance for one simple reason; in the event of a default they are immediately made whole. Given this fact, if you are beyond the default limit on your mortgage, the secured debt has almost certainly been vacated and anyone who claims to “service” your mortgage is simply preying on your ignorance.

In just the same way that credit card companies sell defaulted accounts to collection agencies for pennies on the dollar, “investors” are buying or being assigned tons of defaulted home loans and shielding their activities behind a slew of what appears to be legitimate activities. In most cases, despite what they claim, they simply cannot or won’t re-negotiate your loans because they can’t; they don’t have the TRUE documentation to make it whole.

The ultimate goal is to simply wear down the consumer to the point where they throw in the towel and walk away from the property, not knowing they’ve been had; the “investors” and “servicers” can then reap windfall profits from a complicit court system by foreclosing and selling properties they weren’t entitled to in the first place.

As I mentioned early on, the key to calling a halt to the whole process and stopping them dead in their tracks, in most cases, is nothing more than a SIMPLE FORM LETTER that proves for a fact the “emperor has no clothes”. I will happily share with you the same complete & comprehensive notice I used with amazing results.

Just as with any unsecured debt, such as credit cards, a mortgage made whole through insurance payout is no longer attached to any real property and cannot be enforced except by the original lender with AUTHENTIC documentation (a TRUE understanding of the law makes all the difference).

When confronted with the knowledge that they WILL face CRIMINAL and PUNITIVE sanctions if they knowingly and willfully persist in hounding you, nearly all [debt collectors] will scurry away like so many cockroaches or disappear into thin air like a desert mirage.

Unlike others who will charge thousands of dollars up front or just give you the info to work out yourself, I will greatly simplify the process for you by sharing the exact same request I personally used to great success, based on existing regulations and government guidelines, for just enough to cover expenses. Better still, to prove my sincerity, we will NOT accept a single penny until you are 100% satisfied with its effectiveness.

We are in the process of establishing a Non-Profit organization and, as a charitable organization, we will be requesting donations instead of fees for payment (only after you are successful). Although the recommended donations range from $275 - $400 depending on the level of care you require, we are not in the business of hounding folks for payment or threatening legal action for failure to pay.

To make things easier still, we’ll even provide you the option of spreading donations in installments. I refuse to add insult to injury, after the harrowing experience most have been through, to hassle anyone for more money. It is absolutely shameful that others are using this as an opportunity to take advantage of those who are already in distress.

Best of all, we are committed to using our charity status, with your donations, to support other activities near and dear to many hearts. The venues your donations will be supporting include, but aren’t limited to, Wounded Warriors, Fisher House, USO and the American Red Cross.

I assure you this is not too good to be true. As a service member, I have an unwavering belief and confidence in the goodness of Americans as a whole. I have seen firsthand the outpouring of support and devotion to those who have fought and are still fighting the good fight. Despite the hardships we all face I still trust that most of us will do the right thing when the time comes.

Once you’ve experienced the relief I’ve felt at knowing your home is secure against unscrupulous predators, this will seem such a trivial price to share. You may even be inclined to donate more and we would certainly welcome any generous amount that can be used to further assist others.

There is no greater feeling than being out from under and having the added satisfaction of prevailing against overwhelming odds. I know because I’ve been there and hope you’ll join me and the many others who are discovering the truth for themselves. The feeling of being liberated from bondage as a mortgage slave is one of the greatest joys in my life and could be for you as well; you have nothing to lose and much to gain!

For more info on how to get started, please contact us at the follow email address:

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